Monday, November 22, 2010

Hyphenating Sanskrit in roman transliteration

%!TeX program = xelatex
% Thanks to Yves Codet for the first version of this test file, and to Yves
% and Jonathan Kew for the hyphenation tables
% for Sanskrit (hyph-sa.tex):
% This file exemplifies the case where some Sanskrit is embedded in a
% mainly-English document, but the Sanskrit words are appropriately
% hyphenated. The Sanskrit words are in the argument of the
% \textsanskrit{} command.



\setmainfont{Charis SIL}

\newfontfamily\sanskritfont{Charis SIL}

\parindent 0pt


Sanskrit hyphenation:

\textsanskrit{manum ekāgram āsīnam abhigamya maharṣayaḥ |\par}


English hyphenation:

manum ekāgram āsīnam abhigamya maharṣayaḥ |
