- For Okular, also install kdelibs5-data and kdelibs-bin
- Get rid of silly Gnome shell appmenu (This extension seems to work in Gnome 3.8.4, which makes life easy)
- Fix the Google/Gnome calendar thing (still residual bugs though)
- fix annoying Baobab thing
- fix annoying slow/broken PDF printing on my LJ1300 (out with foomatic, in with cups-gutenberg).
- Synaptic and gdebi
- dkms
- Java (openjdk, openjre, icedtea): default-jre, default-jdk
- keepassx
- TeXStudio (get from website, without recommendeds, otherwise you pull the whole TeXlive; Blahota ppa not current).
- qbittorrent (and remove transmission)
- m17n (and setup ibus, including UK)
- ibus-qt4 (so that ibus works with QT applications like TeXstudio)
- subdownloader
- musescore (get a ppa when available)
- easytag
- artha dictionary
- geany
- gThumb (and remove shotwell)
- scantailor
- network-manager-openvpn
- openvpn (and privateinternetaccess and OpenDNS)
- network-manager-vpnc (for Univie VPN)
- vino/remmina
- filezilla
- Nemo-compare
- gnome tweak and ubuntu-tweak
- gconf editors (dconf ed's already there)
- ubuntu restricted extras
- USB startup disk creator
- gparted
- menulibre
- git
- indicator-sync (for ubuntuone indicator)
- grsync
- pdftk
- perl-tk
- Nemo-open-terminal
- banshee (remove rhythmbox)
- 64-bit version of local things like emusicj (NB: ~/bin is mirrored)
- enable encoded DVD playing
- libtiff-tools
- ImageMagick
- mozplugger
- curl
- some extra fonts (Gentium, Galatia)
- yppa (ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager)
- textadept
- grub customizer
- Moka themes and icons (ppa:snwh/moka-icon-theme-daily)
- Virtualbox and extension pack from Oracle's website.
- TeXlive from TUG
- Nautilus Solus fork when it's ready for Gnome 3.8 (superseded: use Nemo instead)
- Google music manager
- Dropbox (from dropbox.com)
- dbupdate (from DB forum, with my edit.)
- Jabref (not necessary - mine is installed locally)
- oXygen
- AppMenu tweak
- Hide Top Bar tweak
- Replace Nautilus with Nemo
argument for apt-get install:
sudo apt-get install dkms default-jre default-jdk keepassx qbittorrent subdownloader musescore easytag artha geany gthumb scantailor network-manager-openvpn openvpn network-manager-vpnc vino remmina filezilla meld gconf-editor ubuntu-restricted-extras gparted git indicator-sync grsync pdftk perl-tk m17n-db m17n-contrib ibus-m17n gnome-tweak-tool banshee libtiff-tools ImageMagick mozplugger curl ibus-qt4 synaptic gdebi fonts-sil-gentium fonts-sil-galatiaargument for apt-get remove:
sudo apt-get remove rhythmbox transmission empathy evolution shotwell gnome-shell-extensionsnot in main repos:
ubuntu-tweak (ppa:tualatrix/next)sudo add-apt repository
textadept (ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8)
grub-customizer (ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer)
moka-gtk-theme moka-icon-theme moka-icon-theme-extras (ppa:snwh/moka-icon-theme-daily, ppa:snwh/moka-gtk-theme-daily)
sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager ubuntu-tweak grub-customizer moka-gtk-theme moka-icon-theme moka-icon-theme-extras menulibre