- Acta Orientalia (Hungarian)
- Acta Orientalia (Scandinavian)
- some issues at Archive.org, but I can't find a full run
- Adyar Library Bulletin
- misc articles: private
- Annals of BORI
- ABORI (to 2015)
- Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University
- ARIRIAB. See also monograph publications.
- Asiatic Researches
- vols 1-20 (1799-1836), London reprints, at the BHL (vol.1 is 5th ed, 1806)
- First editions, from Calcutta (thanks to Christophe Vielle):
- Asiatische Studien
- Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient1901-2014
- Bulletin of SOAS
- DHIH - Journal of Rare Buddhist Texts Research Unit
- First 53 volumes at Archive.org
- Indian Antiquary 1872-1933
- Archive.org scans
- At Hathi Trust, volumes 1-8 are full text, vols. 9-62 are not.
- Indian Culture
- See "Ideas of India" where most vols are linked, but some are paywalled by the so-called South Asia Commons.
- The New Indian Antiquary 1938--1947
- Indian Historical Quarterly (1925-1963, then NS)
- About 75 random issues at archive.org (beautifully organized by Christoph Vielle in his INDOLOGY post of January 2025).
- Hathi Trust (complete run, search only)
- About 75 random issues at archive.org (beautifully organized by Christoph Vielle in his INDOLOGY post of January 2025).
- Indian Historical Review published since 1974 by the Indian Council of Historical Research
- SAGE website, (vol. 26 (1999) - present). Paywalled.
- Indische Studien
- vols 2, 3, 13 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
- vols 5, 7, 8, 18 Archive.org
- more vols Archive.org
- Issues 1-17 digitized by the Bodleian library (but now (2023-12) see the Munich Digital Centre).
- Thanks to Deepro Chakraborty for the following links (INDOLOGY):1. Indische Studien 1: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/
t8md1ws1n Year: 1850
2. Indische Studien 2: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t2z34vb4b Year: 1852
3. Indische Studien 3: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t21c56t31 Year: 1855
4. Indische Studien 4: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t2v413m9h Year: 1858
5. Indische Studien 5: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t3bz6j54f Year: 1862
6. Indische Studien 6: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t1tf6cc55 Year: 1861
7. Indische Studien 7: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t5k974f72 Year: 1863
8. Indische Studien 8: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t6157t566 Year: 1863
9. Indische Studien 9: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t5fb5fh14 Year: 1865
10. Indische Studien 10: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t6wx06p3q Year: 1868
11. Indische Studien 11: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t3029vx7j Year: 1871
12. Indische Studien 12: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/s27spr3p9d5 Year: 1872
13. Indische Studien 13: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t77s8202n Year: 1873
14. Indische Studien 14: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/s2trccxtbpr Year: 1876
15. Indische Studien 15: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t22b9c73z Year: 1878
16. Indische Studien 16: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/s2b69zhrx6w Year: 1883
17. Indische Studien 17: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t9f47qq2d Year: 1885
18. Indische Studien 18: https://n2t.net/ark:/13960/t5dc3cs2n Year: 1898
- Indo-Iranian Journal
- 1957-2012 JSTOR
- Indologica Taurinensia
- 1984, 1995-2008 DHIPR at Univie
- 1973-2014 (all issues) Asia Institute, Torino
- Journal asiatique (with gaps):
- 1822 - 1940 BnF Gallica
- 1999-2010 Peeters
- Journal of the Ganganath Jha Research Institute (now Ganganath Jha Campus)
- Complete run from issues 1-76: https://csu-prayagraj.res.in/J-v-LXXIV.php
- Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu)
JIABS: Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
- Peeters
- Heidelberg archive (to 2013)
- Peeters
- Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
- 1832-1876 (vols 1-45) Hathi Trust (full)
- 1833-1936 (vols 1-75 + indexes) Biodiversity Heritage Library
- 1905-1924 (1-14 New Series) BHL
- 1835-1953 Nat. Dig. Library of India (free login, but paywalled access only via SA Archive)
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic of Bengal
- 1837- 1915 (vols. 1-75) National Digital Library of India (free login, but paywalled access only via SA Archive)
- Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay
- 1841-1984, mostly full view, Hathi Trust
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the Pali Text Society
- Orientalia Suecana
- Philosophy East and West 1951-2014
- The Pandit many issues identified and linked at Shreevatsa's blog.
- Transactions of the Philological Society
- many issues from 1854-1946 identified and linked by U. Penn.
- Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens
- 1957-1983 private
- 1991-20?? JSTOR , five-year moving wall.
- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft