Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Reformatting footnotes in Libreoffice

 LibreOffice is amazing and I love it and its model of support and free distribution.  

Mostly, functionality is superb.  But as far as I can see, you can't globally select the text of footnotes.  That's weird.

However, it can be done with the help of an extension.  

  1. Download the AltSearch extension by Tomáš Bílek.  It's old, but as of August 2024 it works fine.
  2. Install it by double-clicking the download.  LibreOffice will open a menu for you and after installation you'll have to restart LibreOffice.
  3. With your document loaded, select the new green binoculars icon to open the AltSearch menu.
  4. Select "Properties/Paragraph style/Footnotes" and double click.
  5. Select "Find All" and "yes" to the "do you really want to" popup.
  6. Now all your footnote paragraphs are highlighted.   You can close the AltSearch window and use your normal formatting commands to reformat your footnotes.

Many thanks to manj_k who wrote the post that I am totally copying here.